  • Height of Holder(mm)
  • Travel Distance
  • Length L(mm)
  • Type
  • CAD
  • Est. zile de expediere
    • Toate
    • În 10 zile lucrătoare

Round Laser Holder (F21-150)

Round Laser Holder F21-150

Cod piesă:


Lista codurilor de piese

Număr de articole
Cod piesă

Height of Holder


Travel Distance

Length L


RoHS?Cantitate minimă per comandă
1 bucăți
Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse)
Dată de expediere standard
241.53 €
( 287.42 € )
10 zile lucrătoare

Informații detaliate

Informații de bază

· F20 sandwiches the laser between three screws. The optical axis is adjusted by screwing in and out.
· With F21, in addition to the function of F20, it is possible to adjust in the θy direction by operating the screw at the bottom of the holder.
· Both F20 and F21 have two types, L=150 and 250, depending on the length of the laser.
· The included standard rod has a diameter of ø20 and a length of 60, but both the rod diameter and length can be changed upon request.
· The laser holding part can be fixed to positions at 50 mm intervals by removing the fixing screw from the bottom (only F20-150/250).
· The F20 can be attached directly to the breadboard (A65) by removing the rod.

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