Cod piesă:
candidați nedefiniți.Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse) | Dată de expediere standard |
46.13 € ( 54.89 € ) | 12 zile lucrătoare |
46.14 € ( 54.91 € ) | 5 zile lucrătoare |
46.13 € ( 54.89 € ) | 12 zile lucrătoare |
41.90 €23.05 € ( 27.43 € ) | Articol în stoc - 1 zi lucrătoareDisponibil pentru expediere în aceeași zi |
Integrates the ejector with a vacuum break function. *The CAD data for this series is being revised. This data will be made available as soon as the modifications have been completed.
· Allows changing from compressed air to vacuum, and can be used for transporting items by combining with a vacuum pad.
· Provides a rich lineup of differing capabilities and shapes, which allows meeting diverse conditions.
· VH, VS, VU and VC types have been added for applications requiring "no copper-based metal use" and "low concentration ozone measures."
· No copper-based metals are used in the metal component materials, and HNBR is utilized for the rubber sealing material.
· Integrates the ejector with a vacuum break function. Use of a vacuum generator with regular electromagnetic valve provides a great reduction in price.
· It is small and lightweight, and it can be used at the terminal end of a vacuum pipe. In addition, mounting of a shutoff valve provides high speed for the suction / break cycle.