Cod piesă:
candidați nedefiniți.Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse) | Dată de expediere standard |
341.02 € ( 405.81 € ) | 7 zile lucrătoare |
627.08 € ( 746.23 € ) | 6 zile lucrătoare |
627.08 € ( 746.23 € ) | 6 zile lucrătoare |
Small sized CMOS laser sensor, "E3NC-S" sensor head and amplifier unit.
Small sized CMOS laser sensor that enables a stable detection of the workpiece without being affected by the color, material and surface of the workpiece
· A dynamic range that is 500,000 times which ensures a stable detection as any variation in the workpiece will not affect the detection process
· Smallest in industry (December 2012 to present).
· The CMOS laser head allows for it to be mounted in tight spaces.
· Since determination of the distance can be done, a stable detection is provided at a difference in level of 1.5 mm.
· A reliable robot cable and protective structure IP67 to ensure best performance even in the adverse environment.
· A clear "White color display" that provides high visibility has been used.
· A stable detection is achieved through easy settings and smart tuning