  • Mounting Height(mm)
  • Allowable Load(daN)
  • Wheel Outer Diameter D(mm)
  • Type
  • CAD
  • Est. zile de expediere
    • Toate
    • În 7 zile lucrătoare

High Hardness Urethane Castors Fixed Wheel for Super Heavy Weights (HDUK Type)

High Hardness Urethane Castors Fixed Wheel for Super Heavy Weights (HDUK Type) HDUK200

Cod piesă:

  • Preț unitar (fără TVA)
    439.79 €
  • Total (fără TVA)
    439.79 €
    (Preț cu TVA incluse: 523.35 €)
  • Data expedierii
    6 zile lucrătoare
    Dată de expediere de referință: 17.03.2025
Cantitate disponibilă pentru comandă?64
1 - 6162+
Preț unitar (fără TVA)
(Preț unitar cu TVA incluse)
439.79 €
(523.35 €)
439.79 €
(523.35 €)

Lista codurilor de piese

Număr de articole
Cod piesă

Mounting Height


Allowable Load


Wheel Outer Diameter D


Cantitate minimă per comandă
1 bucăți
Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse)
Dată de expediere standard
439.79 €
( 523.35 € )
7 zile lucrătoare

Informații detaliate

Informații de bază

The largest allowable load among Japanese standard casters. Smooth travel and quiet rotation. Optional installation of swivel lock and stopper is possible.

· By employing a thrust bearing and tapered roller bearing for the swivel part, both smooth rotation and quietness are realized, even when under high loads.
· Deflection is resolved by use of a high hardness urethane wheel (hardness 95°). Starting resistance is also reduced and turning is smooth.
· Both an optional 90° swivel lock and wheel stopper are available to achieve the perfect caster.
· A product that can withstand long-term use, that features a beautiful design and solid welded construction

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