Cod piesă:
candidați nedefiniți.Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse) | Dată de expediere standard |
11.97 € ( 14.24 € ) | 10 zile lucrătoare |
54.76 € ( 65.16 € ) | 10 zile lucrătoare |
12.69 € ( 15.10 € ) | 10 zile lucrătoare |
54.76 € ( 65.16 € ) | 10 zile lucrătoare |
Excellent mechanical strength, as well as pressure, wear resistance, and flexural fatigue resistance. Excels in heat and low temperature resistance. High flexibility. Excels in oil and chemical resistance (especially alkaline resistance). No risk of toxic substances being released.