  • Allowable Torque Range(N•m)
  • Shaft Bore Dia. (machined) D1(mm)
  • Shaft Bore Dia. (machined) D2(mm)
  • Outer Dia. A(mm)
  • Overall Length W(mm)
  • Max. Rotational Speed Range(r/min)
  • Body Material
  • Allowable Torque(Nm)

    Calculation of the allowable torque (or the Safety Factor, etc.) differs depending on the manufacturer. For details, see the technical data provided by the relevant manufacturer.

  • Max. Rotational Speed(r/min)
  • Allowable Lateral Misalignment Range(mm)
  • Allowable Lateral Misalignment(mm)
  • Allowable Angular Misalignment(deg)
  • Moment of Inertia(g・cm2)
  • CAD
  • Est. zile de expediere
    • Toate
    • În 4 zile lucrătoare

Bellow couplings / grub screw clamping, hub clamping / bellows: stainless steel / body: stainless steel / BKXK, BKXS, BKXKV, BKXSV, BKXSY / ABP Antriebstechnik (BKXKV1624 06/6.35)

Cod piesă:

BKXKV1624 06/6.35

Informații despre produs

- BKXK Ø16 / Ø21 / Ø24 Series
- BKXK Ø25 / Ø33 / Ø40 Series, BKXS Ø15 Series
- BKXS Ø19 / Ø20 / Ø25 Series
- BKXKV Ø16 Series, BKXSV Ø15 Series, BKXSY Ø20 Series

BKXK Ø16 / Ø21 / Ø24 Series

Technical Information

Technical dataBKXK 1622BKXK 1624BKXK 1627BKXK 2129BKXK 2135BKXK 2429BKXK 2435
Max. speedmin-110.00010.00010.00010.00010.00010.00010.000
Max. torqueNcm404040120100120100
Max. offset off shafts       
   Radialmm± 0,2± 0,25± 0,3± 0,25± 0,3± 0,25± 0,3
   Axialmm± 0,4± 0,45± 0,5± 0,4± 0,5± 0,4± 0,5
   AngularGrad± 3± 4± 4± 4± 4± 4± 4
Torsion spring stiffnessNm/rad908570150140150140
Radial spring stiffnessN/mm40201525102510
Moment of inertiagcm22,12,22,699,51515,2
Max. clamping torque (M)Ncm505050100100100100
Temperature range°C-30 to +120-40 to +140
Weight appr.g66,5715161718
MaterialFlangeAluminium, anodised
MaterialBellowStainless steel

M = tightening torque of the clamping screw

Drawings and Bore Combinations

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 1622 05/06
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 2129 63/08
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 2429 08/10
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

BKXK Ø25 / Ø33 / Ø40 Series, BKXS Ø15 Series

Technical Information

Technical dataBKXK 2530BKXK 2535BKXK 3340BKXK 4048BKXS 1520BKXS 1522BKXS 1525
Max. speedmin-110.00010.00015.0005.00010.00010.00010.000
Max. torqueNcm2002005001000404040
Max. offset off shafts       
   Radialmm± 0,3± 0,35± 0,3± 0,3± 0,2± 0,25± 0,3
   Axialmm± 0,4± 0,45± 0,5± 0,5± 0,4± 0,45± 0,5
   AngularGrad± 4± 4± 3± 1,5± 3± 4± 4
Torsion spring stiffnessNm/rad220183750350908570
Radial spring stiffnessN/mm4517,8100150402015
Moment of inertiagcm229,831829222,12,3
Max. clamping torque (M)Ncm10010048707070
Temperature range°C-40 to +140
Weight appr.g202260*22*66,57
MaterialFlangeAluminium, anodised
MaterialBellowStainless steel

* dependent on Ø
M = tightening torque of the clamping screw

Drawings and Bore Combinations

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 2530 10/12
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 3340 10/12
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXK 4048 16/18
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXS 1520 05/06
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

BKXS Ø19 / Ø20 / Ø25 Series

Technical Information

Technical dataBKXS 1924BKXS 1929BKXS 2029BKXS 2035BKXS 2526BKXS 2531
Max. speedmin-110.00010.00010.00010.00010.00010.000
Max. torqueNcm120100120100200200
Max. offset off shafts      
   Radialmm± 0,25± 0,3± 0,25± 0,3± 0,3± 0,35
   Axialmm± 0,4± 0,5± 0,4± 0,5± 0,4± 0,45
   AngularGrad± 4± 4± 4± 4± 4± 4
Torsion spring stiffnessNm/rad150140150140220183
Radial spring stiffnessN/mm251025104517,8
Moment of inertiagcm279891920
Max. clamping torque (M)Ncm8080150150150150
Temperature range°C-40 to +140
Weight appr.g1011151617,518
MaterialFlangeAluminium, anodised
MaterialBellowStainless steel

M = tightening torque of the clamping screw

Drawings and Bore Combinations

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXS 1924 06/63
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXS 2029 63/08
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXS 2526 12/14
                             (Series ØW  d1/d2)

BKXKV Ø16 Series, BKXSV Ø15 Series, BKXSY Ø20 Series

Technical Information

Technical dataBKXKV1624BKXKV1627BKXSV1522BKXSV1525BKXSY2029BKXSY2035
Max. speedmin-110.00010.00010.00010.00010.00010.000
Max. torqueNcm100100100100120100
Max. offset off shafts      
   Radialmm± 0,15± 0,2± 0,15± 0,2± 0,25± 0,3
   Axialmm± 0,4± 0,45± 0,4± 0,45± 0,4± 0,5
   AngularGrad± 1± 1,5± 1± 1,5± 4± 4
Torsion spring stiffnessNm/rad115110115110150140
Radial spring stiffnessN/mm904690462510
Moment of inertiagcm22,52,92,52,91820
Max. clamping torque (M)Ncm505050507070
Temperature range°C-40 to +140-40 to +200
Weight appr.g776,5731,533
MaterialFlangeAluminium, anodisedStainless steel 1.4404
MaterialBellowStainless steel 1.4571

M = tightening torque of the clamping screw
Through V4A 1.4404 stainless steel quality increased resistance to chlorides, sea water, fuels, toluene, aromatic and non-aromatic hydrocarbons,
alcohols, glycols, solvents and many chemicals.

Drawings and Bore Combinations

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXKV1624 05/06
                              (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXSV1522 05/06
                              (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Bellows coupling

Part No. Example: BKXSY2029 06/10
                              (Series ØW  d1/d2)

Lista codurilor de piese

Număr de articole
Cod piesă
BKXKV1624 06/6.35

Allowable Torque Range


Shaft Bore Dia. (machined) D1


Shaft Bore Dia. (machined) D2


Outer Dia. A


Overall Length W


Max. Rotational Speed Range



Body Material

Allowable Torque


Max. Rotational Speed


Allowable Lateral Misalignment Range


Allowable Lateral Misalignment


Allowable Angular Misalignment


Operating Temperature Range


Allowable Axial Clearance (±)


Moment of Inertia


Cantitate minimă per comandă
0.05 to 1.00
4,001 to 10,000
High Torsional Rigidity / High Torque / High Accuracy / High Durability / No Backlash / Low Moment of Inertia / Vibration Insulation / Heat Resistant / Clean Environment
0.02 to 0.2
1 bucăți
Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse)
Dată de expediere standard
44.63 €
( 53.11 € )
4 zile lucrătoare

Informații detaliate

Informații de bază

Backlash-free and angularly aligned transmission, optimum compensation of misalignments, very high torsional stiffness, low restoring forces, vibration damping effect, stainless steel bellow

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