Cod piesă:
candidați nedefiniți.Preț unitar (fără TVA)(preț unitar cu TVA incluse) | Dată de expediere standard |
44.82 € ( 53.34 € ) | 5 zile lucrătoare |
61.57 € ( 73.27 € ) | 5 zile lucrătoare |
・Rolls and case type: Steering housing
・Housing material RR: Steel galvanized
・Rim material: Plastic
・Tread material: Solid rubber heat resistant
・Tread color: Red
・Wheel diameter(mm): 100, 125
・Wheel width(mm): 30
・Load capacity dynamic(kg): 60, 80
This wheel series is non-marking and permanently elastic. This wheel can cover temperature ranges from -40°C to +260°C
HGK wheel series:
・Wheel centre made of heat-resistant plastic with plain bearings.
・Rubber tread red.
Housing series IT:
・Sheet steel housing in galvanized design
・Clevis with 2-fold ball bearing, without plastic sealing ring.
・With temperature-resistant grease