Air probe

Part Number

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0572 6172

Part Number
0572 6172
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Temperature measurement range (lower limit)
Temperature measurement range (upper limit)
Calibrated to Product size (height)
Product size (width)
Product size (length)
Product type Weight
Accuracy (details)
Accuracy (+/-) °C
Basic accuracy (+/-)
Calibration service Compatible with (details) Connector (testing equipment) Display (thermometer) Emission level (max.) Emission level (min.) Emissivity Humidity reading accuracy
Humidity reading range
Humidity reading range (max.)
Humidity reading range (min.)
Max. temperature
Min. temperature
Optics Pick-up time (details)
Power supply (details) Probe length
Probe thermometer features Product size (Ø)
Reading range - temperature
Resolution (temperature)
Sensor type Temperature reading range Temperature resolution
Type Type (misc.) Temperature reading accuracy

336.68 €

1 Available 3 Days -20+70----Air probe-----Data logger testo 176-----±2 rF-1000-------12--NTC-20 up to +70 °C---±0.3


  1. 1

This page is Air probe, part number 0572 6172.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 0572 6172.

Variation of this product

Part Number
0560 0810
0572 6174
0602 0644
0602 0645
0602 0646
0602 1793
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Temperature measurement range (lower limit)
Temperature measurement range (upper limit)
Calibrated to Product size (height)
Product size (width)
Product size (length)
Product type Weight
Accuracy (details)
Accuracy (+/-) °C
Basic accuracy (+/-)
Calibration service Compatible with (details) Connector (testing equipment) Display (thermometer) Emission level (max.) Emission level (min.) Emissivity Humidity reading accuracy
Humidity reading range
Humidity reading range (max.)
Humidity reading range (min.)
Max. temperature
Min. temperature
Optics Pick-up time (details)
Power supply (details) Probe length
Probe thermometer features Product size (Ø)
Reading range - temperature
Resolution (temperature)
Sensor type Temperature reading range Temperature resolution
Type Type (misc.) Temperature reading accuracy

116.56 €

1 Available 3 Days --Manufacturer's standards (no certificate)2546119IR thermometer90Air: ± 0.5 °C/IR: ± 2223 appropriate calibration values in the measuring range of the respective device (-20;0; +60 °C)--6:1100.00 - 1.00----+300-306:10.52 batteries (AAA)-Contact measurement-Air: -10 to +50 °C/IR: -30 to +3000.1NTC-0.1testo 810--

418.68 €

1 Available 4 Days 040----Air probe-----Data logger testo 176-----±2 rF0 -100 % RH1000-------4--NTC0 up to 40 °C---±0.3

26.79 €

1 Available 3 Days -50400Manufacturer's standards (no certificate)2011025Air probe------------------5-800-1.5--Type K-50 up to 400 °C----

42.28 €

1 Available 3 Days -50400Manufacturer's standards (no certificate)2011030Air probe------------------5-1500-1.5--Type K-50 up to 400 °C----

43.36 €

1 Available 3 Days -50+250-2011030Air probe------Heating element connector-----------5-1500-1.5--K-50 up to +250 °C----

90.43 €

1 Available 3 Days --Manufacturer's standards (no certificate)---Air probe-----Differential thermometer Testo 922. 12 21 04-----------------------Robust air probe-

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